Rajasthan’s First & only BiWingual Pilot

Only BiWingual Paragliding, Paramotor & Hang Gliding Pilot in Rajasthan, India

Samarth Sharma, who’s an active competition pilot and a resident of Jodhpur has been flying paragliders, paramotors and hang gliders in Rajasthan, India since 2004.
This western sharp rocky hill region of India as well as the weather conditions are technically adverse for aero sports, but with experience and research Samarth found areas with suitable weather window and places that can well be used for Aero sports with utmost safety. He has overtime manufactured and experimented with various flying equipment and techniques which lead Jodhpur, Rajasthan to become one of the new paragliding and hang gliding destinations of the India.


Samarth is a Bi-Wingual pilot which means he can fly more than one type of wings i.e. Paragliders & Hang Gliders (both with and without motors). India has just a handful of civilian Hang gliding pilots and a couple of bi-wingual pilots including him. He is the only Indian civilian FLPHG (Foot Launched Powered Hang Glider) Pilot and the most active Hang Glider Pilot in India and has world class flying experience in European and S E Asian countries.


Being the founder of SkyVentures – a Paragliding & Hang Gliding school he follows a custom methodology which specifically focuses on safe flying in the terrain and weather conditions of Rajasthan.


Samarth and his team regularly organizes Tandem Paragliding events in Jodhpur and Jaipur. He has clocked over 2000 tandem flights in a couple of years and is rated in top 10 tandem pilots in India.


SkyVentures also has a R&D and manufacturing division which develops and experiments various flying products and machines including paramotor engines, propellers and paramotor / paratrike cages.